Get Real blog


Who is a false prophet?

Who is a false prophet?

The accuracy of the words they give should not be our sole determining factor. I have known of fortune tellers that have spoken very "accurate words". We need to be very careful to discern the spirit from which a person speaks. Lets see what Gods Word says about this:...

5 Benefits of Discernment

5 Benefits of Discernment

Discernment will produce these 5 benefits: 1. Discernment helps us get our priorities straight.In the context of dealing with the challenges and concerns of life, Jesus simply admonished, “Don’t worry.” Then commanded, “Seek first the kingdom of God” (Matt 6:33).Our...

What does it mean to serve God wholeheartedly?

What does it mean to serve God wholeheartedly?

What does it mean to serve God wholeheartedly? Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant. (Galatians 1:10) As children of God we ought to serve Him with whatever gifts He has...



CALL TO SERVE. 1. Serving is part of discipleship in action Jesus gave the mandate to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). By consistently showing up and serving in the church, we earn a high level of trust and influence in the lives of the people...

Comfort in all the wrong places!

Comfort in all the wrong places!

Comfort in all the wrong places. Do you ever feel like whenever you mess up or do things you are not supposed to, that the people around you seem to either cheer you on or even make excuses for you? I remember having a reputation for being the last man standing at any...

Day 81 Lying

Thought of the day. The Word of God is clear that lying is a sin and is displeasing to God. The first sin in this world involved a lie told to Eve. The Ten Commandments given to Moses includes: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16)....

Day 71 Self-centeredness

Thought for the day Self-centeredness is not just a sin, it's a root cause of other sins such as envy, jealousy, impatience, and ingratitude. Self-centeredness is the polar opposite of the fruit of the spirit as described in Galatians 5:22-23: “… love, joy, peace,...

Day 150 Called to Action

  Thought for the day Christians are sometimes silent when it comes to speaking out about the cultural issues and sins pervading our world. Passively posting on social media about issues does very little to help promote the gospel. Christians can use their voices...

Day 3 Blessing

Thought for the day #Blessing We need to understand what the blessing is so that we can expect it in our lives. Let’s consider the ancient Hebrew definition of blessing: *Anointed to win *Empowered to overcome *Impossible to curse When the blessing of God gets on us,...

Day 92 Love your Enemy

Thought for the day “Love your enemies.”—Matthew 5:44 NIV This sounds absolutely ludicrous in the natural and is not possible in our own strength. The good news is that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.We don’t have to like our enemy. We don’t...

Day 219 Manipulation

Thought for the day   As Christians, we are called to embody values like love, integrity, and honesty. Here are several reasons why manipulative behaviour is contrary to these principles: 1. Love and Respect:Manipulation undermines genuine relationships....

Day 18 Stop Procrastinating

Thought for the day #Peacemaker Peacemakers cannot create peace among others if they do not first start with peace in their own hearts. How are we to calm wars and tempers or reconcile with another if we have battles raging in our own hearts? That’s not to say we...

Day 72 Worry

Thought for the day As Christians we know that we are not meant to worry but yet we do. We worry about what has already happened and what has yet to take place. There are many reasons why we shouldn't worry. Worry causes stress and wreaks havoc on our health and...

Day 229 Christian Worldview

Thought for the day #ChristianWorldView Our Christian world view should be based on the absolute conviction that the Bible is God's Word, our message and ultimate authority ("our final court of appeal").That Christ died for our sins, rose again, returned to the right...

Day 67 No Compromise

Thought for the day Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.Romans 12:2 NLT So get rid of all...