Thought of the day.
1. What does Christ’s perfect submission mean for Christians?
Pastor Charles Spurgeon wrote, “A lack of submission is no new or rare fault in mankind. Ever since the fall it has been the root of all sin…From the moment when our mother Eve stretched out her hand to pluck the forbidden fruit and her husband joined her in setting up the human will against the divine, the sons of men have universally been guilty of a lack of conformity to the will of God. They choose their own way and will not submit their wills. They think their own thoughts and will not submit their understanding. They love earthly things and will not submit their affections. Man wants to be his own law and his own master” (The Reason Why Many Cannot Find Peace)
Christian submission is not an act of human will. It is divine work. We can submit to God’s authorities and His will only through the power of the Holy Spirit. Christ imputes His righteousness to believers so the work of submission is faith. Through faith in Christ we receive His righteousness as our own and keep His commandments through the power the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, Christ eternally intercedes on our behalf before the Father. Christ empowers us to follow Him in submission.
2. How should Christians submit?
Out of our love for Christ and our gratitude for His work of salvation Christians choose to submit their way, wills, affections, thoughts, desires and understanding to God. (Spurgeon) In all matters of submission our conscience guides us to obey.
We trust ourselves to Christ knowing that He submitted himself to God for our sake. He laid down His life for us, so through the power of the Holy Spirit we can lay down our life for Christ for the sake of the Gospel.
Erick Bouwmeester