Thought of the day.

An important question we need to be asking ourselves, ” Is whether we are walking by faith or by sight?” The lie of the enemy is that he wants us to live by sight. This means that we only believe what we see. This in turn shapes our reality and limits God to be able to work in us and through us.
As a result of living according to our circumstances we find ourselves bound to them and our belief system creates our reality. This renders the truth of the Word, both written and living, ineffectual in our lives. We accept the circumstances we find ourselves in as the truth.
However this is not what God intends for us. He wants us to call the things that are not as though they are. If anything doesn’t line up with the promises of God this is not the truth for our life. Every circumstance we face, such as sickness, disease or poverty, is not our reality and is subject to change. We need to declare by faith that we have been redeemed from the curse of the law and that for poverty we’ve been given wealth, for sickness we’ve been given health and for death we’ve been given eternal life.
It is true to us according to the Word of God. We need to purpose in our heart to believe the truth of the Word of God and to allow His super into our natural to live a supernatural lifestyle here on earth. We were created to have dominion, to be fruitful and to multiply in every area of our life.
Erick Bouwmeester