Thought for the day

As Christian we are called to live by Faith. The Word of God clearly tells us that without Faith it is impossible to please God. Our Faith walk requires us to believe the Word of God and to believe that He will do what His Word says that He will do. In order to be able to receive from God we need to be in a personal relationship with Him and to truly understand who He is. If we say that God is Love then we must understand that this God of Love cares for us so much and loves us so unconditionally that He has paid the price in full so that we can experience all of His blessings in our life. He has redeemed us from the curse of the law and for poverty He has given us wealth, for sickness health and for death He has given us eternal life. The word “eternal life” or “salvation” is from the Greek word “sorteria” which means so much more than just salvation and includes health, wealth and everything pertaining to life and godliness. He has paid the price in full so that we can receive His unconditional love and allow Him to make us His dwelling place through which His love can be expressed.
However if we do not understand His Love for us we will not be able to exercise the God kind of Faith which will empower us to believe without a shadow of doubt that our Heavenly Father will provide our every need. This is an expression of His never ending love for us.
Erick Bouwmeester