Thought for the day

We need to be bold with our faith and when God gives us a goal, we need to go public with it. We need to boldly announce our intention and what God is asking us to do. We need to tell everybody, because it causes us to step out in faith and when someone then sees the victorious outcome their faith in a Faithful God is stirred up.
Jesus asks us everyday “What do you want me to do for you?” God wants to use us and He wants to bless us. He wants to do incredible things in our life. But when Jesus asks what He can do for us, we have to respond in faith and one of the ways we respond in faith is by setting a goal.
Every time we set a goal, it is actually a statement of faith. The more people who know, the more support, encouragement, prayer, and accountability we’ll have. A public announcement also demonstrates the depth of our faith.
Today we need to prepare our heart for the moment when Jesus asks us, “What do you want me to do for you?” We need to be ready with our answer and then be ready to publicly share it in faith.
Erick Bouwmeester