Thought for the day
The Apostle Paul said in Romans 12:2 that we are transformed by the renewing of the mind. Many of us think that once our life is transformed, then our mind will be renewed. It is actually the other way around. When we were born, most of us came out of the womb, and into this world, head first. If we want to come out of unpleasant circumstances, limitation in career, stagnation in our ministry, our head has to come out first.
When we experience deliverance, our mind has to switch from a slave to a son, from a slave to a soldier. Even if we get the same attacks as before, we get to see them from a different position. We need to get a revelation that , “we are not a sick people trying to get healed, we are healthy people fighting sickness.” “we are not a bound person trying to get free, we are a free person fighting bondage.” “we are not a sinner trying to get holy, we are a saint fighting sin.”
7 Steps to Renew our Minds:
Step 1.We need to stop waiting for an outside miracle to change our mind.
Step 2. We need to stop believing that we can’t control our thoughts.
Step 3. What we feed our mind with becomes a mindset.
Step 4. We need to confess what we believe, not what we feel.
Step 5. Resist negative thoughts, assist positive thoughts.
Step 6. Celebrate the process.
Step 7. Expect miracles.
Erick Bouwmeester