Thought for the day


5. Pay attention to your passions
Each one of us has God-given interests and passions that drive us. We see issues or problems that we’re enthusiastic about solving. Sometimes sin causes us to get caught up in those passions in a way that isn’t helpful. For instance, Moses started to have really strong feelings about how the Hebrews were treated in Egypt. Unfortunately, that passion led him to take the life of an Egyptian that he saw beating an Israelite. But, over time, we see that this passion was God given, even though the initial response wasn’t.
We see people driven by their passion throughout Scripture:
Nehemiah was passionate about rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem.
Esther was passionate about her people.
Daniel was passionate about being beneficial to Nebuchadnezzar while holding on to what made him distinctly Hebrew.
Paul was passionate about reaching the Gentiles with Jesus’ message.

With each of these individuals, the legacy we admire blossomed out of this inner drive or obsession with a problem or an opportunity. Our purpose or vocation can arise out of an ambition to overcome an obstacle. Most ministries don’t form because someone thought, “I want to start a ministry. What kind of ministry should I start?” Instead, they spring from a desire to solve a specific dilemma.
It can be constructive to stop worrying about what God’s plan is for you and instead think about, “What has God equipped me to care about?” This is a much more organic and meaningful way to discover our calling. And the great thing about thinking this way is that we can immediately look for ways to bring light and life to the world around us. Then, as we do that, God can use that momentum to help illuminate the next steps on our path.
Erick Bouwmeester