Thought of the day.
Here are 6 steps to walking in wisdom:
2. Pray for wisdom. (James 1:5-8)
3. Meditate on God’s Word. ( Psalms 119:97-105)
4. Actively obey and apply God’s Word. ( James1:22)
5. Be sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. (Isaiah 63:10)
6. Associate and learn from wise people. (Psalms 1:1; Proverbs 13:20)
Our world is growing darker from a spiritual perspective. We only need to look at the circumstances that surround us in the natural to understand this. We need to root ourselves in the Word and in the mind of God. We need to humble ourselves before God in reverent fear and ask Him for ample amounts of divine wisdom as we face the closing days of this age. Be reminded that His Grace is sufficient and that when we are weak He is strong.
Erick Bouwmeester