Thought of the day.
If we want to be happy, we mustn’t fill our mind with lies. We must stop filling it with garbage. Instead, we need to fill it with things that inspire us and make us a better person. The Bible says, “I will not put anything wicked in front of my eyes (Psalm 101:3 GW).This does that mean God doesn’t want us to have fun but He says it for our own good, because He knows what will make us truly happy.
A practical way to keep our mind focused on the right things is to not be critical and to avoid putting people down. Instead, we need to think good things about others and if we can’t think good things, we should just not think about them.
Scripture says, “Whatever things are of good report . . . meditate on these things” (Philippians 4:8 NKJV). We should always be striving to be people who are always giving a “good report” about each other. When we’re at the grocery store and someone asks us, “You know so and so?” And you say, “Yes, they’re a fine person.” That’s giving a good report.
God’s formula for happiness is this: Worry about nothing, pray about everything, thank God for anything, and keep your mind on the right things. If you follow it, the Bible promises, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7 )
Let’s meditate on this truth: true happiness is the result of having a right relationship with Jesus.
Erick Bouwmeester