Thought for the day


Romans 8:1 NIV
[1] Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,

The above scripture shows us that we can counter the accuser’s attacks because there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. It is important to get a revelation that there are no conditions and no prerequisites. Jesus has already been condemned for all our sins. It’s all about His finished work and none of man’s efforts.

When the accuser comes to condemn us for all our faults, we need to declare ourselves righteous because of what Jesus has done and because His blood cleanses us continually. It is important that we remind ourselves that the Holy Spirit was sent to convict us of our righteousness apart from works and that this declaration is true every moment, of every day. It is true in the morning and it is true in the night. And when tomorrow comes, it is still true. There is presently and continuously, no condemnation for us because we are in Christ.

Erick Bouwmeester