Thought for the day.

Jesus while teaching what is called the Beatitudes, said, “Blessed (happy, blithesome, joyous, spiritually prosperous– with life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) are the meek (the mild, patient, long-suffering), for they shall inherit the earth!” (Amplified Bible).
The New King James Version says, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matt 5:5 NKJV). The New Living Translation says: “God blesses those who are gentle and lowly, for the whole earth will belong to them.” My focus is on the phrase “the meek.”
The important fact to take note of is that meekness is not weakness. When someone is weak, it means, among other things, that he lacks power or strength. But that is not what meekness means. The meek have strength, but they have disciplined their strength. Meekness is refraining to use our strength, power or right, which gives us an advantage over others .
We mustn’t confuse the meek with the weak. If a man is weak, he should not pretend that he is meek. That will be a pretence, not meekness. The meek, the Bible is talking about, don’t lack strength or power. They have only decided to bring their strength or power under control and they have restrained themselves. These are the people Jesus said would inherit the earth.
So we need to understand that to be meek means to be gentle and lowly by bringing our strength under control in our relationship with people, particularly in negative circumstances.
Always remember that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
Erick Bouwmeester