Thought of the day.

The fact that we are holding on to resentment, means that someone is controlling us. When we say things like, “You make me so mad”? That’s an admission that the other person is controlling us. The only way to get this person out of our mind and heart is to heal the hurt with God’s grace.
Scripture in Hebrews 12:15 says, “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many” (NIV).
Bitterness is contagious, and it can actually become generational. The chain of bitterness needs to be broken and if bitterness has taken root in our family, we can be the person to break that chain of bitterness.
The truth is that forgiveness is not fair. However forgiveness is not about fairness and It’s not about getting even. It’s about His Amazing Grace.We don’t forgive a person because it’s the fair thing to do but we exercise forgiveness because it’s the right thing to do, and because we don’t want our own heart full of poison. We don’t want to hold on to the hurt and the hate.
Today we need to be reminded that although forgiveness is free, it is not cheap. It cost Jesus his life. Today we need to purpose to follow Jesus’ example and offer forgiveness today. We need to allow our bitterness to be healed with His Grace.
Erick Bouwmeester