Thought of the day.

In Corinthians 13 it tells us that love rejoices in truth. What we spend our time rejoicing in truly tells us where we are spiritually with God. We find that the world rejoices in what they can see and what they can gather to themselves. They chase after fame, wealth and riches and all the by-products that flow form that. The sad reality is that the church is very often chasing after the same stuff but frame it as His favour and blessings. Yes, God does want to bless us exceedingly and abundantly above what we could ever hope, think or imagine. However the purpose of Him blessings us is to be a blessing and to further His Kingdom.
We need to be truthful with ourselves and with God. You see God already knows the condition of your heart but He needs you to bring it before Him and to ask Him to show you the true condition of your heart. This is critical for us to be empowered by His grace to be able to walk in the truth. God encompasses truth and He requires that we by His Grace live in the truth, walk in the truth and are truthful with Him and others.
Erick Bouwmeester