Thought of the day.

We have to be positioned correctly to hear Our Heavenly Father clearly. This can be compared to a cell phone reception in that we have to be in the right position to receive a clear and reliable signal.The same is true regarding our relationship with our Heavenly Father. If we want to hear God’s voice clearly and consistently, we must be positioned correctly.
There are three stumbling blocks that keep us closed to God’s message:
1. Pride.
2. Fear.
3. Bitterness.
James 1:21 says, “Get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls” (NLT).
Today we need to purpose in our heart to get rid of the bitterness, fear, and pride that keep us from hearing God’s voice and living out His purpose for our life. Then we’ll be able to hear God with an open heart and mind and “humbly accept” what He’s saying to us.
Erick Bouwmeester