Thought of the day.
3 Keys to discerning the times:
2.Growing in the fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-24)- though cultivation of the fruit of the Spirit we develop an openness to correction & fortitude to follow wherever He leads.
3.Be led by the Spirit – direct prompting
Jesus rebuked His generation for not discerning the times (Romans 13:11-14). In the same way the Spirit of God is warning us at this very time to discern the times:
-We need to awaken out of our sleep and return to our first love.
-We need to come into alignment with God’s Kingdom and our Kingdom assignment.
-We need to put off the works of the flesh, live for Christ, walk in the light, and be the salt and light in the world. (Eph 5:8-14; 1 John 1 5-17; Matt 5:13-16).
It is therefore vital that we:
-Discern the time and seasons.
-Discern truth from falsehood.
-Discern God’s voice and go on the offensive against evil.
Erick Bouwmeester