Thought of the day.

The fact that Christians often fear man more than God is a stumbling block that has to be overcome in our Christian walk. More often than not people are more concerned about what others have to say about them rather than focusing on what our Heavenly Father has to say about them. Our identity should be found and established in Christ and not in man. We need to fear (reverence) God more than any man. Perfect Love casts out all fear.
If we are battling to believe God this can be directly linked to our inability to receive the Fathers Love. If we do not believe that He loves us unconditionally how can we exercise our Faith to receive from Him? In the natural if we have an earthly father who never delivers on his promises this can affect our ability to receive from our Heavenly Father. It is so important that we spend time getting to know our Heavenly Father and allow His Spirit to minister healing and renewing of the mind in this area.
Our Love walk with others depends entirely on our Love Walk with our Heavenly Father and the extent to which we are able to allow His love to work in and through us. When we conduct our relationships with others outside of His Love we are not able to sustain our good works. I have encountered many people who do things for others which is on the face of it really awesome but the fact that it is not motivated by His Love actually results in it not bringing His life into that particular situation.
Erick Bouwmeester