Thought of the day.

As a Christian business owner or manager do you treat people in the work place in a manner that glorifies Christ and shows them Godly love and kindness? We have situations where Christian businesses often treat their employees in a manner that is not godly and in fact way worse than their worldly counterparts. In every situation we face with an employee we need to act in a manner that is not contrary to the word of God. I had a situation many years ago, in our business where one of our staff was staying off work intermittently and the situation escalated to a level that I could no longer ignore it. I called his manager in and I asked her what the reason was for the situation. It turned out that he was in a messy relationship with the mother of his child. They were fighting and the situation got totally out of control which led to him being physically abused.
In the natural I had every right to have a disciplinary hearing and based on his conduct I could have dismissed him. However I prayed about the situation and asked Holy Spirit to show me how to deal with the situation. He is still employed and a successful and productive member of the team.
The people you interact with in the workplace are sitting quietly and watching to see how you conduct yourself on a day to day basis. It doesn’t help that you hold pray meetings in the boardroom every morning or have a massive bible on your desk but conduct yourself in an ungodly manner when you exit the boardroom or your office. When people enter your business they should sense the difference which they should be able to pick up from the manner in which you conduct yourself with your employees and clients. Put God first in all your efforts and He will crown you with success and let His love permeate your environment and sphere of influence.
Erick Bouwmeester