Thought of the day.
I remember when I got married I was a so full of male pride and ego. I had to always be right and I would want to win an argument at all costs. As I became transformed by the renewing of my mind to the Word of God the Holy Spirit said to me that as a husband you are meant to love your wife as Christ loved the Church. I then asked Holy Spirit to give me an understanding of what it means to love your wife the way that Christ loves the Church. What became clear to me was that Christ loved the Church by laying down His life for the Church even though there were many reasons for Him to not want to do so. In the same way, as husbands, we are meant to lay down our lives for our wives. This requires us to die to self and to put our spouse first no matter what. This means that it doesn’t matter who is right or wrong. It is not necessary to be right and to prove a point at all costs.
The God kind of love will allow you to display a servant’s heart towards your spouse and to ensure that you love your spouse in the same manner that Christ loves you which is an unconditional love.
This is a daily decision to lay down your life for your spouse and marriage. It is a process of dying to self and putting the needs of your spouse before your needs. This will require you to do activities that fall outside of your comfort zone. Husbands your wife might require you to go to the ballet with her which is her passion or wives your husband might ask you to attend a rugby match which is his passion. In doing this you are showing the other person that you are prepared to put them first in every situation.
Another key factor of walking in the God kind of love as husband and wife is that you need to have agreement in the important areas of your life. As Christians we should ensure that we pray about everything and ensure that we have a release from God to do whatever we are going to do. This involves spouses reaching agreement in line with Word of God on how they handle finances, sex, schooling, disciplining of children, extramural activities and very importantly the church to attend as a family.
Erick Bouwmeester