Thought for the day
Too many Christians are living outside of a living relationship with the living God and they wonder why they are unfulfilled and living a life that is way below that which our Heavenly Father intends for them to live here on earth. They look to formulas, church programs, and church attendance etc. instead of looking to Jesus. They don’t pursue the most important relationship that they could ever have and spend more time worshipping and pleasing men. Until we get into a deep and meaningful relationship with our Heavenly Father our lives won’t make sense and we will not be able to fulfil what he has predestined for each one us before we formed in our mother’s womb.
When I speak to many Christians I find that they are so caught up in works. They are busy with one activity after another in the hope that it may bring them closer to God. It almost makes them feel safe to believe that they are doing the will of the Father. It is almost like they feel that they have to DO in order to BE whereas they need to BE in order to DO. If we spend time with our Heavenly Father we will become more like Him and therefore be able to do what He wants us to do not what we think we should be doing or what other people think we should be doing. The real issue is not the doing but rather to do what our Father in Heaven, through the prompting and leading of the Holy Spirit, is telling us to do.
Too much time is wasted by Christians doing Godly pursuits that are not intended for them to be doing. This is why we have so many Christians burning out and becoming disillusioned with God instead of being on fire for God. The truth is that if God didn’t tell you to do something then don’t do it because if you do you will not have His Grace to do it.
Erick Bouwmeester
When I speak to many Christians I find that they are so caught up in works. They are busy with one activity after another in the hope that it may bring them closer to God. It almost makes them feel safe to believe that they are doing the will of the Father. It is almost like they feel that they have to DO in order to BE whereas they need to BE in order to DO. If we spend time with our Heavenly Father we will become more like Him and therefore be able to do what He wants us to do not what we think we should be doing or what other people think we should be doing. The real issue is not the doing but rather to do what our Father in Heaven, through the prompting and leading of the Holy Spirit, is telling us to do.
Too much time is wasted by Christians doing Godly pursuits that are not intended for them to be doing. This is why we have so many Christians burning out and becoming disillusioned with God instead of being on fire for God. The truth is that if God didn’t tell you to do something then don’t do it because if you do you will not have His Grace to do it.
Erick Bouwmeester