Thought for the day

The Scriptures also teach that divine kindness is to be reflected in the human experience. Indeed, expressing kindness to other human beings is more important than performing ritual sacrifice to God. Thus, we are to love kindness and display His very nature by exhibiting his kindness and mercy. Even more direct is the simple injunction to be kind. Human imitation of God’s kindness does not come naturally. In fact, ultimately no one is kind in that as human beings we are self-serving. It is only as the fruit of God’s Spirit that kindness can be a consistent part of the believer’s experience.
When we allow His Spirit to empower us, we are able to express His kindness which is gentle and mild. There is no harshness when we express the God empowered kindness. There is a huge difference between doing a good deed and kindness. The reason is that you can do something that is ostensibly good but do it in such a way that it is harsh and unkind.
Did you ever have someone do something for you and yet either before or after they do it they’ll be gruff with you, speak harshly to you and not be sensitive to your needs. On the one hand they did something good for you but on the other hand they weren’t kind in the way they did it. This is totally contrary to what God means when he says that Love is kind. I remember a situation where a Christian brother blessed a person that I know and at the same time was very degrading to that person and in fact broadcasted it all over the place. This resulted in a situation in which the person’s reputation was affected and it was totally insensitive and unkind.
Erick Bouwmeester