Thought for the day

It is very important that we come to the understanding of the truth that satan is the father of all who lie (read John 8:44)

Deception comes in many different forms:
1. Facts are omitted or excluded that are necessary for a person to make a sound judgment regarding a particular situation. In essence this adversely and falsely impacts and affects the true nature of the situation.
2. Existing facts are twisted and altered in order to suit a particular narrative in order to achieve a desired outcome.
3. The making up of information that has no basis in fact whatsoever.
4. The promotion of an alternative truth.

People often, to appease their own conscience,will look for loopholes in the Word of God. They manipulate and massage the Word in order to justify their actions and to still be seen to be being obedient to the letter of the law while murdering the spirit of the law.

When one continuously practices deception it will eventually cause one to have a seared conscience. This is a state of extreme deception whereby we are no longer able to recognise that the action we are taking is evil.
Erick Bouwmeester