Thought for the day
I was chatting to a brother in Christ about many things and the conversation landed on how do we as leaders in the body of Christ display and glorify Jesus in our daily lives and ministry with regards to how we treat people that serve with us and are called to walk with us?
In the discussion what emerged was that very often people are really treated very badly and in fact are abused under the pretext of serving a ministry. As followers of Christ we are called to a higher standard in terms of how we conduct ourselves with those people God has entrusted to us. We should value and respect them. In fact we should honour the treasure that God has placed in earthen vessels. We can’t be just telling them how valuable and precious they are. We need to be showing them in our actions how valuable they are to us ,the ministry and to Jesus. People are not there to merely make our lives easy and to represent a paycheck to the ministry through their tithes and giving.
We need to have a servant heart and be there to serve and not just to be served. Each person is valuable and precious to Jesus and until we treat people in the same way that Jesus did, our ministry will not be tapped into the heartbeat of the Father.
It is important to gain an understanding to the fact that walking in love is not weakness and doesn’t mean you’re a doormat. The reality is we need to set up healthy boundaries based on the truth of the Word of God.
The power of His Love operating in us and through us will never fail.
Erick Bouwmeester