Thought for the day

One of the biggest challenges we face in our Christian walk is to love people who are against us or who are downright nasty and rude to us. In fact some people choose to be our enemy for various reasons but very often it is simply because of our faith in Jesus Christ.
The word of God says in Matthew 5: 43-45 (please read the scripture) that we need to love and pray for those who persecute us. I know that this was a huge challenge for me and I had many arguments with my Heavenly Father as to why I should love those that are horrible and nasty to me and persecute me. The Spirit of God answered that this is what Jesus did at cavalry for each one of us. Even when we were at our worst He loved us. So when we encounter this we need to remember that when we display the God kind of love ( Agape Love) we are revealing Jesus to them through our actions and we are sowing a seed that will lead these people to repentance and reconcile them to their Heavenly Father.
I have faced many situations like that in my life and can testify to the fact that LOVE NEVER FAILS. When you allow His love to flow through you people’s lives will be impacted and changed to the Glory of God.
Erick Bouwmeester