Thought for the day


Pride is a grievous sin and because it is so deceptive, we are often oblivious to our pride. Awareness of pride in our life is essential due to the fact that it hinders our relationship with God.

Here are six forms of pride as revealed in Scripture:

1. Self-exaltation:
When a person succeeds and gives himself credit, he is prideful. God reminds us that every good thing comes from him.( James 2:16-17; Matthew 23:12; Ephesians 2:8-9)
2. Self-promotion:
When we put forward our virtue and success so that others complement us, we are being prideful. ( Matthew 6:1-2)
3. Self-justification:
We should resist seeking applause from other people. It is important that we refrain from justifying ourselves. (Luke 18:10-14)
4. Self-degradation:
When we tear ourself down, we are being prideful. We are prideful because we are self-absorbed and our focus is on ourself. We are pre-occupied with ourself and sideline Christ in our life.
5. Self-demotion:
Self-demotion is announcing that we have performed worse than others. We convince others that we are less or have less. We must never demote ourself.
6. Self-condemnation:
The self-condemned person makes himself judge. He seizes the rightful authority away from God and gives it to himself. We must never condemn ourself this is a form of pride.
Erick Bouwmeester