Thought for the day


As Christians, we are called to embody values like love, integrity, and honesty. Here are several reasons why manipulative behaviour is contrary to these principles:

1. Love and Respect:
Manipulation undermines genuine relationships. Authentic love respects others’ autonomy and seeks their best interests.
2. Integrity:
Being manipulative is dishonest. We are encouraged to live with integrity, which means us being truthful and transparent in our interactions.
3. Witness to Others:
Our actions reflect our faith in Christ. Manipulative behaviour can damage our witness to Christ, making it harder for others to see His love and grace.
4. Trust:
Trust is foundational in relationships. Manipulation erodes trust, leading to division and conflict.
5. Spiritual Growth:
Following Christ involves selflessness and humility. Manipulation often stems from selfish motives, hindering spiritual development.
6. God’s Design for Community:
The Christian community is meant to be a body of support and encouragement. Manipulative tactics disrupt this harmony and foster division.

Ultimately, we are called to serve others and reflect Christ’s love, which is best expressed through honesty and compassion rather than manipulation.

Erick Bouwmeester