Thought of the day.

When we get a revelation that as a Christian we are not placed in a work environment by chance. God has placed us there to be the light in the darkness. When we allow ourself to be a dispenser of His Love then people will be drawn to the light. The important thing is for us to be a doer of the Word, and not behave like our unsaved work colleagues then expect them to take us seriously when we talk about Jesus. We are called to be in the world but not of the world. We are called to be different in the workplace and to make a difference.
It is important that we behave with integrity in the workplace. Our fellow workers must see us as people that they can depend on because we are reliable and true to our word. Our yes is our yes and our no is our no. We don’t steal from the company either directly or indirectly.A lot of people don’t realize that by spending an hour or two in a work day doing private work or surfing the net is in fact paramount to theft in that we are stealing time from the company. The company pays us to perform a function and gives us definitive work hours and we should make sure that we are being productive for the company during those hours. In fact when there is extra work to be done and our boss needs assistance with a task as Christians we should be the first people to step forward and willingly offer our assistance.
When we get a revelation that our work is not something that is done unto a man but is in fact unto God then this will change our attitude to work. Work is not a curse but something that God uses to bring finances into His Kingdom. It only becomes a curse when we approach it with an ungodly attitude which does not bring Glory and Honour to our Heavenly Father.
Erick Bouwmeester