Thought for the day

From a Christian perspective, consistency is vital for several reasons:

A question that is often raised is whether it is ever OK for us as Christians to retaliate?

The answer to this question is a resounding YES! There will be times when we must retaliate for wrongdoing, but Christian retaliation will look different than worldly retaliation. To retaliate against someone is to fight back or repay someone in a likewise manner. This is not what Jesus had in mind.
Jesus has called us to retaliate with a RESPONSE. In Genesis 37 we began to read the account of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his own brothers. They were jealous of him and wanted him gone. Joseph spent many years in Egypt where he was enslaved and imprisoned, but also experienced God’s favor. When a famine hit the land, Joseph was reunited with his brothers. He could have had them imprisoned or killed, but his response was neither. Genesis 50:21 says “So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children. And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.”
In 1 and 2 Samuel, we read the account of David as he experiences the wrath of Saul. David’s life was in danger and he could have killed Saul, but he chose not to. The experiences of Joseph and David tell us that there is a time to fight and there is a time to turn the other cheek. Joseph’s retaliation took the form of forgiveness while David’s retaliation was becoming king of Israel.
We are to stand up for ourselves. We should stand up for others that are hurting. Retaliation is needed at times, but our retaliation should not take the form of revenge. We can question those who wrong us. The important fact is that we should practice self-protection without a desire for personal revenge.
Erick Bouwmeester