Thought of the day.
Too much time is wasted by Christians doing Godly pursuits that are not intended for them to be doing. This is why we have so many Christians burning out and becoming disillusioned with God instead of being on fire for God. The truth is that if God didn’t tell you to do something then don’t do it because if you do you will not have His Grace to do it.
There are too many churches and church programs that have not been birthed form the heart of God. In fact too many churches are started for the wrong reasons and are birthed from fleshly desires as opposed to a divine instruction. Men building their own platforms to exalt themselves as opposed to glorifying God which has led to control and manipulation.
These men are building their kingdoms as opposed to Gods Kingdom (1 Timothy 6:5) and trying to deceive people into imitating them rather than making them followers of Christ. This is no different to the Israelites who would not go up the mountain with Moses to meet with God. Instead they sent Moses to hear from God on their behalf. This is predominantly how the church system operates today.
This keeps people from pressing into God and allowing His Spirit to communicate directly with them. They become prisoners of a structure as opposed to a free son who is led by the Spirit of God and therefore free indeed.
Erick Bouwmeester