Thought for the day


Stubbornness can be viewed from several perspectives, often tied to the concepts of obedience, humility, and personal growth. Here’s a deeper look at how stubbornness is perceived:
1. Spiritual Stubbornness:
Stubbornness in our Christian walk often refers to a refusal to follow God’s guidance or commands. For example, in the Bible, figures like Pharaoh in the story of Exodus are depicted as being stubborn in resisting God’s will. This type of stubbornness is seen as detrimental because it signifies an unwillingness to submit to God’s authority and wisdom.
2. Obedience and Humility:
The Bible frequently emphasizes the importance of obedience and humility before God. Proverbs 29:1 notes, “Whoever remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy.” This verse suggests that persistent stubbornness, especially in refusing to heed correction, can lead to serious consequences. We are encouraged as believers to remain open to God’s direction and to act with humility rather than stubbornness.
3. Moral and Ethical Choices:
Stubbornness can also be related to moral and ethical decisions. When someone is stubborn in their beliefs or actions that conflict with Christian values, it can be problematic. For instance, if we refuses to forgive others or to act with love and compassion, our stubbornness can hinder our spiritual growth and relationships.
4. Positive Aspects:
While stubbornness is generally seen negatively in the context of resistance to divine will or moral behavior, there can be a positive side to it. Stubbornness, when aligned with perseverance in faith and commitment to righteous causes, can be viewed as steadfastness. For example, being steadfast in one’s faith and resisting temptation can be seen as a virtue. Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 15:58 encourage believers to be “steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.”
5. Growth and Transformation:
Christianity teaches that God can work through our weaknesses, including stubbornness, to bring about growth and transformation. The key is recognizing when stubbornness is leading us away from God’s will and being willing to change and grow. For example, in the story of Jonah, his initial stubbornness in refusing God’s call was ultimately transformed into obedience after divine intervention.
6. Personal Reflection:
We are encouraged to reflect on our own hearts and motives. If stubbornness is leading to negative outcomes or obstructing one’s relationship with God, it is often a call to examine and address underlying issues. James 1:5 offers wisdom to those who seek it, suggesting that seeking God’s guidance can help in overcoming stubbornness and growing in faith.

Erick Bouwmeester