Thought for the day.
As Christians we need, by His Grace, to live a life that is holy and pleasing to God. This is expressed in how we treat others. The Word of God says that if we love Him that we will obey His commands. We often dishonour God by the way we treat others. We also dishonour God when our actions don’t match our Words. We make promises and commit to doing things and then don’t follow through. The rest of the world looks at Christians and the hypocrisy and they say, “We don’t want anything to do with that”. This not only destroys our witness to the world but it is dishonouring of our Heavenly Father. It is by His amazing grace that we don’t get what we deserve.
In reality we have a lot of Christians saying all the right stuff but not behaving in a way that lines up with their words. This is not love and in reality presents a clanging cymbal to those who come to experience this in their daily interactions with many Christians.
There is form or a facade of Christianity that has very little substance. There is a lot of discussion about walking in the God kind of love but very little action. The scripture that comes to mind is the one in Luke where it states clearly that if you see your brother or sister in need and say to them that you will pray for them but do nothing to help then you are according to the Word of God no better than a non-believer. Whilst there is nothing wrong with praying for one another we also have to express our love by acting on the Word of God.
In all of this seek God’s Wisdom and be Spirit led.
Erick Bouwmeester