Thought of the day.

Let us imagine that we’re sitting on a plane that’s about to take off. The plane proceeds to coast down the runway and at that very moment we start flapping our arms. We then start progressively flapping our arms faster and faster as the speed of the plane increases and the nose lifts in the air. Once we are in the air it is not surprising that the flight attendant approaches and says, “What are you doing?” We then respond by saying, “Oh, I’m helping us get off the ground.”
When we consider these actions it does seems rather ridiculous,however that’s what we do when we try to do things only God is equipped to do. In the same way that we don’t need to hold up a plane, we don’t need to hold up God.
The reason why we’’re so tired is that we’re trying to fight battles that belong to God, and we’re not God.
“The battle is not yours, but God’s” (2 Chronicles 20:15 NLT).
We tend towards independence, and so when we see a problem, we think, “I’ve got to figure this out. It’s up to me!” We then proceed to assume God’s role, and it wears us out, because we were never meant to carry it in the first place. We’ve been running in circles trying to solve problems in our marriage, our body, the economy, our school and the world in general. We’ve been trying to solve them in our own power, trying to fight the battle on our own, and as a result we’re getting tired.
When finally just stop trying to do things in our own strength and come back to God and tell Him that we’ve made a mess of it, we may think we’ve let him down. However the truth is that we haven’t let God down, because we were never holding Him up. We don’t have God in our hands because He’s got us in His hands.
Erick Bouwmeester