Thought for the day
Christians are sometimes silent when it comes to speaking out about the cultural issues and sins pervading our world. Passively posting on social media about issues does very little to help promote the gospel. Christians can use their voices to make positive changes in the world, instead of merely trolling on social media feeds and creating meme. Start by talking to your friends over coffee about the world and how Jesus is the solution to a broken world, but don’t stop there. Maybe God wants you to start a ministry in your church to fix the issues that He has laid in your heart. For example, if you are incensed over the abortion laws, which as a Christian you should be, volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center or give to a center that educates women on other alternatives other than abortion.
The church, while not perfect, is supposed to be a reflection of the type of relationship Christ wants with His church. The church, however, is messy and we need to figure out the balance between honouring the Word of God in all things and being a welcoming place for His people who mess up. Ultimately, there is no sin that Christ’s blood cannot cover. We need to be brothers and sisters to each other and to urge each other to strive towards living a life that is holy and pleasing to God.
Erick Bouwmeester