Thought for the day

6. Feelings of Conviction or Peace Compromise
Sign: A growing numbness or resistance to conviction about sin, or an unshakable peace when we know something is wrong.
What to do: We need to pay attention to the Holy Spirit’s promptings. If we’re ignoring conviction, it can lead to a hardened heart. We must reaffirm our commitment to follow God’s leading.
7. Being Drawn to False Teachings
Sign: A growing interest in teachings that distort or twist Scripture, or lead to an unhealthy focus on self or material wealth.
What to do: We need to stay grounded in the sound doctrine of the Bible and be wary of teachings that don’t align with the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
8. Feelings of Isolation or Distance from God
Sign: We may experience a growing distance from God, feeling like our prayers are not being answered or our connection to God is weak.
What to do: We must evaluate if there’s sin, distraction, or apathy in our life that is hindering our relationship with God. We need to return to Him in prayer and repentance.
9. Persistent Doubt or Unbelief
Sign: We may find ourselves questioning foundational truths of the Christian faith (e.g., the divinity of Jesus, salvation through grace, etc.) or living as if we don’t truly believe them.
What to do: We need to engage in honest reflection, seek truth through Scripture, and talk to a trusted spiritual mentor. We must strengthen our faith through community and prayer.
10. Lack of Desire to Serve or Share the Gospel
Sign: We may feel apathetic toward serving others, sharing our faith, or even caring for the needs of the church.
What to do: We need to reflect on the purpose of our calling as a believer. We must ask God to reignite a passion for service, evangelism, and loving others.

In all these signs, it’s important to remember that God is patient and willing to restore those who earnestly seek His guidance and repentance. If we feel we are walking in deception, we must take time to reflect, pray, and seek God’s direction to align our life more closely with His truth.

Erick Bouwmeester