Thought for the day
We need to understand what the blessing is so that we can expect it and receive it into our lives.
Let’s consider the ancient Hebrew definition of blessing:
*Anointed to win
*Empowered to overcome
*Impossible to curse
When the blessing of God gets on us, our life gets enriched.
“The blessing of the Lord makes one rich,And He adds no sorrow with it.” (Proverbs 10:22)
It’s His favour, wisdom, protection, abundance, ability, grace, joy, freedom, peace resting upon us and whatever we put our hand to.
( Read Numbers 6:22-27 and Deuteronomy 28:1-14).
It is of vital importance to understand that it doesn’t mean that life is void of trials and nothing tough ever happens. Even though there are definitely times of trial and challenges with the blessing of the Lord upon us, we have strength, endurance, and favour even in the tough times. (Just take a look at Joseph’s life in Genesis).
Erick Bouwmeester